How to Get 10k Views On Reels Instagram & Facebook Now

How to Get 10k Views On Reels

Here is How To Get 10k Views On Reels On Instagram & Facebook, the exact Likes, Comments & Shares you need to have on Reels. Getting 10k views in today’s world is not a big deal. There are millions of people scrolling on Instagram & Facebook reels. You just need to produce a valuable content for them.

If your reel gets audience engagement such as Likes, Shares & Comments they there are high chances that your reel can get higher views.

How To Get 10k Views On Reels Hack

If you want to get 10k views on Instagram reels or Facebook reels then you need to have;

1. Approx 800-820 Likes your reel.

2. Approx 15-18 comments on your reel.

3. 35-45 shares

But remember a getting any amount of views depends upon how good quality is your content, is it beneficial for your audience in any way and in which topic or nichee you have been working.

Tips For Getting 10k views on Facebook Reels

1. Experiment with AI-Generated Art:

Incorporate AI-generated art and graphics into your content. The fusion of creativity and technology can pique curiosity and draw viewers who appreciate innovation.

2. Collaborate with Unusual Partners:

Expand your horizons by collaborating with individuals or brands outside your niche. This cross-pollination of audiences can lead to increased exposure and open new doors for your content.

3. Launch Interactive Quizzes:

Create interactive quizzes related to your content and encourage viewers to participate. People love testing their knowledge and sharing their results, leading to higher engagement and views.

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Question: How To Get 10k Views On Facebook Reels?

Answer: If you want to get 10k views on Facebook reels then you need to have;

1. Approx 800-820 Likes your reel.

2. Approx 15-18 comments on your reel.

3. 35-45 shares

Query How To Get 10k views on reels

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