How to add X new like button on Post? | X Like Button Update!

add X new like button on Post

How to add X new Like Button to your Post in 3 Easy Steps!

As you know that X new like button has been launched on Twitter. You can access it or add it in just 3 Easy Steps.

How to add X new Like button on Post?

How to add X new Like button on Post?

The steps are given bellow:

  • Write a Post on Twitter X:Here a

First of all, go to the new post button and add a new post on the twitter.

  • Add Captions and Image:

You can write to your post whatever you want to add. Like Pics, Text or Anything.

  • Add a Hashtag:

To add this new like button to X, you have to include a hashtag to your post named as #brandedfeature.

This new button will added to that specific post. This button has been launched recently by Elon Musk and officially announced by Twitter.

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Add x new like button on post

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